
  • ScienceBiomimicry

    Biomimicry: Learning Innovation from Nature

    Biomimicry is a fascinating way of solving problems by learning from nature. It’s about looking at how plants, animals, and ecosystems have survived and thrived for billions of years and using those ideas to make human life better. For example, a leaf’s structure helps it absorb sunlight efficiently, and ecosystems work together to stay balanced. These natural strategies inspire humans…

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  • TechnologySmart glasses

    Eyes on the Prize: Smart Glasses and the Future of Tech

    Smart glasses are becoming popular in tech. Over the past year, I’ve gotten more interested in them, and I want to share what I’ve learned to help others who are new to the technology understand what smart glasses are and what they can do. Table of ContentsOne Size Doesn’t Work for EveryoneA Simple Structure EmergedConclusion on Smart GlassesLooking Ahead One…

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