- Technology
Amazon Is Killing Off a Video Call App You Probably Never Heard Of
Sometimes, the first time you hear about a product or service is when the company behind it decides to shut it down. That’s exactly what’s happening with Chime, Amazon’s Zoom alternative. Most people, including me, had never even heard of it until now. But now that Amazon is killing off a video call app that was supposed to compete with…
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Space Debris Insights from Astroscale and Amazon’s Carbon Emission Trajectory
Images captured from just 50 meters away have allowed Astroscale Japan to present a close-up picture of space junk. Images of a Japanese H-2A rocket’s upper stage that is now orbiting the Earth are shown here. During the ADRAS-J satellite’s initial fly-around of the debris, Astroscale made following observations. Launched on February 18, ADRAS-J aims to gather data for future…
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