Streamlining My Day: How I Automate Daily Tasks in Windows 11
Discover how I simplify my daily routine by automating tasks in Windows 11, saving time and boosting productivity effortlessly!

Do you wish your computer could handle boring tasks for you? With Power Automate Daily Tasks in Windows 11, it can!
I use it to save time by automating simple things like sorting files, sending reminders, and replying to emails. For example, it can move downloaded files to the right folders or send automatic replies when I’m busy.
It’s super easy to use. Just open Power Automate, pick a task and follow the steps. You don’t need to be a tech expert!
Power Automate helps me get more done every day. Try it—you’ll love how much easier life gets!
How I Keep My Desktop Clean with Daily Cleanup
My desktop often overflows with various things such as screenshots and documents, that I forget to organize. Even though there are better ways to save files, this jumble grows quickly, making it difficult to stay organized. To solve this, I created a Power Automate flow that keeps my desktop neat by automatically sorting files into folders with just one click.
Here’s how I do it:
I set up the flow to run daily at a specific time using Windows Task Scheduler. Flow organizes my files into specific directories based on their types. For example, all of my.docx,.pdf, and.xlsx files are saved in a folder called “Documents”. Images (.jpg,.png, and.gif) are transferred to a “Images” folder, whilst shortcut files (.lnk) are placed in a “Shortcuts” folder.
Setting it up was super easy with Power Automate’s simple interface. Here’s how you can do it too:
1. Open Power Automate for the desktop and click New flow.
2. Name your flow something like “Desktop Cleanup” and click Create.
3. Once you’re in the main flow area, copy and paste the following script:
Folder.GetSpecialFolder SpecialFolder: Folder.SpecialFolder.DesktopDirectory SpecialFolderPath=> SpecialFolderPath
IF (Folder.IfFolderExists.Exists Path: $'''%SpecialFolderPath%\\Shortcuts''') THEN
Folder.Create FolderPath: $'''C:\\Users\\PC\\Desktop''' FolderName: $'''Shortcuts''' Folder=> NewFolder
Folder.GetFiles Folder: SpecialFolderPath FileFilter: $'''*.lnk;''' IncludeSubfolders: False FailOnAccessDenied: True SortBy1: Folder.SortBy.NoSort SortDescending1: False SortBy2: Folder.SortBy.NoSort SortDescending2: False SortBy3: Folder.SortBy.NoSort SortDescending3: False Files=> Files
File.Move Files: Files Destination: $'''%SpecialFolderPath%\\Shortcuts''' IfFileExists: File.IfExists.DoNothing MovedFiles=> MovedFiles
IF (Folder.IfFolderExists.Exists Path: $'''%SpecialFolderPath%\\Images''') THEN
Folder.Create FolderPath: $'''C:\\Users\\PC\\Desktop''' FolderName: $'''Images''' Folder=> NewFolder
Folder.GetFiles Folder: SpecialFolderPath FileFilter: $'''*.jpg;*.png;*.webp;*.gif;*.bmp;''' IncludeSubfolders: False FailOnAccessDenied: True SortBy1: Folder.SortBy.NoSort SortDescending1: False SortBy2: Folder.SortBy.NoSort SortDescending2: False SortBy3: Folder.SortBy.NoSort SortDescending3: False Files=> Images
File.Move Files: Images Destination: $'''%SpecialFolderPath%\\Images''' IfFileExists: File.IfExists.DoNothing MovedFiles=> MovedImages
IF (Folder.IfFolderExists.Exists Path: $'''%SpecialFolderPath%\\Documents''') THEN
Folder.Create FolderPath: $'''C:\\Users\\PC\\Desktop''' FolderName: $'''Documents''' Folder=> NewFolder
Folder.GetFiles Folder: SpecialFolderPath FileFilter: $'''*.pdf;*.doc;*.docs;*.xlsx;*.xls;*.csv;*.ppt;*.pptx;''' IncludeSubfolders: False FailOnAccessDenied: True SortBy1: Folder.SortBy.NoSort SortDescending1: False SortBy2: Folder.SortBy.NoSort SortDescending2: False SortBy3: Folder.SortBy.NoSort SortDescending3: False Files=> Documents
File.Move Files: Documents Destination: $'''%SpecialFolderPath%\\Documents''' IfFileExists: File.IfExists.DoNothing MovedFiles=> MovedDocuments
4. After pasting the script, click Save.
Once the flow has been saved, you may schedule it to run on a daily basis using Windows Task Scheduler. This way, your desktop will be cleaned up every day, and your files will always be organized in the correct spot, making it easier to find what you need.
How I Organize My Documents with Version Control Automation
Version control is useful not only for coders but also for everyone who works with frequently updated documents. I used to struggle with keeping track of multiple versions of my files but Power Automate and OneDrive helped me overcome this challenge.
I set up a flow that automatically backs up important documents like PDFs and spreadsheets to OneDrive whenever they’re changed. The flow checks specific folders for updates and syncs the latest files to OneDrive.
Now, I always have the most recent backup of my documents in the cloud, and it’s easy to access older versions if needed. It’s like having a personal assistant that keeps my files safe & organized without me doing anything.
To set this up, make sure you’re signed in to OneDrive. I also set up timestamped versions in OneDrive, so if I ever overwrite a file or need to look at an old version, I can easily find it using OneDrive’s version history.
How I Automate File Conversions to Save Time
Previously, I found it time-consuming to convert files between formats. However, with Power Automate, I no longer need to do it manually.
Power Automate desktop software includes built-in flows that monitor a folder for new files. When I add a file, such as a Word document or a PowerPoint presentation, the flow instantly transforms it to my preferred format, which is PDF.
After the file is transformed, the flow organizes it into the appropriate folder. The finest part is the final step, which sends the transformed file over email using Outlook. I no longer have to deal with manual attachments or file paths; I can simply set it up & forget about it.
How I Use Power Automate for Better Work-Life Balance
Balancing work and personal life can be hard especially with work always being just a click away. To help disconnect, I created a Power Automate flow that automatically closes work apps like Outlook, Teams, and my company’s VPN at a set time every evening.
The flow runs daily, triggered by the Windows Task Scheduler. To set it up, I used Power Automate Desktop’s recording tool. I opened the apps, recorded myself closing them, and saved the flow. I also added error handling to ensure it works if an app isn’t open.
On weekends, I have a similar flow that sets an out-of-office reply in Outlook, helping me enjoy my time off without distractions.
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How I Automate My Calendar to Stay Organized
I use Power Automate to create tasks from my calendar. When a meeting is scheduled, a task is automatically added to my to-do list, so I’m always prepared.
This automation works through the Power Automate web version, which connects to Office 365 apps like Outlook and To Do. Power Automate website also offers many pre-built templates for common workflows, making it easy to set up. You just need to sign in to your apps and give necessary permissions.
Power Automate saves me hours by handling routine tasks, allowing me to focus on more important work. And if you’re up for it, you can even use Windows PowerShell to automate tasks on your PC.