Find and Replace in Excel: Fast and Easy
Learn how to quickly use Find and Replace in Excel with our simple guide to help you search and update data efficiently.

Find and Replace in Excel feature can help you save time whether dealing with enormous datasets or tiny lists of contacts. You may easily search for what you need rather than having to browse through rows and columns of information to get what you need.
For example, you can rapidly find a specific name or number in Excel by using Find and Replace tool. Simply enter your search word & Excel will highlight each match.
This application makes it simple to replace outdated data with updated information all at once if you need to change several entries. This makes it easier to handle everything in your spreadsheet by expediting your work & assisting you in maintaining the accuracy of your data.
Table of Contents
How to Find and Replace in Excel
How to Search for Values in Excel
With Excel’s Find function, you can quickly locate anything you need, no matter how large your workbook is.
1. Open Your Workbook: Open your Excel spreadsheet and navigate to sheet you wish to search first.
2. Access the Find Tool: Click the Home tab at the top of the window. Next, find and click the toolbar’s “Find & Select” button. Alternatively, you can use keyboard shortcut Ctrl + F to open the Find window.
3. Enter Your Search Term: To enter the desired text or value, use the Find window. This could be any other type of information you’re looking for, such as a word or number.
4. Refine Your Search (Optional): Select choices >> in Find window to get additional search filter choices. Search options will grow as a result.
5. Choose Search Settings: Here, you can adjust various settings. For example:
- Within: Use dropdown menu to choose whether you want to search within active sheet or entire workbook.
- Match Case: Check Match case box to discover exact match that takes both capital & lowercase letters into account.
6. Find the Values: After setting your preferences, click Find Next to go through each instance one by one. Click Find All to view every instance instantly. List of every instance your search phrase appears in the worksheet will be displayed as a result.
Find feature in Excel makes it simple to find information fast which will help you work with your data more effectively.
How to Replace Values in Excel
Replacing values in Excel is just as straightforward as finding them.
1. Open the Replace Tool: Navigate to Home tab located at the top of window in your Excel workbook. After selecting Find & Select, click Replace. As an alternative you can open Replace tool directly by pressing Ctrl + H on your keyboard.
2. Specify What to Find: Enter text or value you wish to find in Find what field of Replace window. New value or text that you want to use as replacement should then be entered in Replace with field.
3. Additional Options: If you want to refine your search, you can click on Options >> to see more search settings. This will give you additional choices for how to perform the replacement.
4. Format Changes (Optional): If you want to change the format of the text, click the Format button next to the Replace with field. This allows you to select a new font, font style, or font size for the replacement.
5. Replace the Values: Once you’re ready to proceed, you have two choices:
- Click Replace to change the first occurrence of the value one at a time. This gives you control over each replacement.
- Click Replace All to update all instances of value throughout your worksheet or workbook at once.
6. Undo if Needed: If you accidentally replace too much, don’t worry! You can easily undo your recent replacements by pressing Ctrl + Z immediately after making a change. This works whether you did a single replacement or used the Replace All option.
7. Double-Check Your Data: Before saving your changes, it’s a good idea to review your data to ensure everything looks correct. This way, you can be confident in replacements you’ve made.
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Using Replace tool in Excel is a simple and effective way to update your data quickly!